Sunday, September 15, 2019

Air Pollution

Imagine that the air that you are breathing may be killing you †¦ well, no need to Imagine as this is the ugly truth. Air pollution is an intractable problem that we have noticed since the industrial revolution and it has increased over the years to become one of our time’s biggest issues. While some air pollution is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by human activities. The first major cause of air pollution is car exhausts which lead to about 50 % of the total air pollution.The second major pollutant is Nitrogen oxides. And last is Sulpher dioxide. But wait!.. Those three are not just the only air pollutants, the causes can be many to name, e. g. fertilizer dust, cement dust, pesticides †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ etc The health effects caused by air pollutants can be drastic. Doctors and researchers have uncovered several diseases that seem to be caused by air pollution, including asthma, lung cancer and heart diseases. Along with harming human h ealth, air pollution can cause a variety of environmental effects, e. g. cid rain, ozone depletion, crop and forest damage and global climate change. There are now various air pollution control technologies and strategies available to help reduce it, People are encouraged now more than ever before to use non-polluting renewable forms of energy and lots of countries have established new legislation concern the protection of the environment. In conclusion, I feel that all the previous solutions go some way to offering a lasting solution to the problem of air pollution and hope to prove workable soon before it’s too late for us and for our planet. Air Pollution Imagine that the air that you are breathing may be killing you †¦ well, no need to Imagine as this is the ugly truth. Air pollution is an intractable problem that we have noticed since the industrial revolution and it has increased over the years to become one of our time’s biggest issues. While some air pollution is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by human activities. The first major cause of air pollution is car exhausts which lead to about 50 % of the total air pollution.The second major pollutant is Nitrogen oxides. And last is Sulpher dioxide. But wait!.. Those three are not just the only air pollutants, the causes can be many to name, e. g. fertilizer dust, cement dust, pesticides †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ etc The health effects caused by air pollutants can be drastic. Doctors and researchers have uncovered several diseases that seem to be caused by air pollution, including asthma, lung cancer and heart diseases. Along with harming human h ealth, air pollution can cause a variety of environmental effects, e. g. cid rain, ozone depletion, crop and forest damage and global climate change. There are now various air pollution control technologies and strategies available to help reduce it, People are encouraged now more than ever before to use non-polluting renewable forms of energy and lots of countries have established new legislation concern the protection of the environment. In conclusion, I feel that all the previous solutions go some way to offering a lasting solution to the problem of air pollution and hope to prove workable soon before it’s too late for us and for our planet.

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